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Nov 28, 2012


Evelyn McMullen

Long past due.

Dave Kisor

With the minor exception of no deaths, the same thing happened 18 months earlier in the Caspian Sea, as reported by Greg Palast. They knew how and what could happen. I say never let them have another government contract.


This is good news the fines and suspension is a major victory but the fact still remains that none of BP or their contractors that were in charge of this drilling operation have not been prosecuted for the deaths of the 11 workers due to violations of mandatory safety regulations and the shoddy and inferior materials that capped the well as well as the deaths of workers doing the cleanup due to the hazardous chemicals to disperse the oil.

Lauren R

Alright! : )

Michael MacPherson

Unfortunately BP along with the other Oil Companies can still buy their way out of anything. When trying to deal with criminals, with extreme power such as BP, you have to destroy its base, that will weaken the rest of the Company. One way to do that is to put efforts into destroying the Criminal culture in this Country, stop the blatant buying of Politicians. BP on one hand is cheating the people out of their settlements and on the other has a large propaganda and disinformation effort going on using TV ads to lie to the public, with ads saying what a great job they are doing with the clean up and making sure those affected get well compensated, which is total lies, these sociopaths do not have an ounce of guilt over what they have done.

Dorothy N.

About time!!!

Makes a good start, at any rate, toward actually encouraging safer practices and less cost/corner-cutting than seemingly has become routine among some of the oil giants.

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