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Oct 24, 2012


Rich Cowan

I have to say that I found the wording a bit odd in your paragraph:

"Our report found that the government doesn’t always save money by contracting out services. In fact, on average, the government is spending nearly twice as much on contractors as on federal employees performing comparable work."

This will confuse people. To say the government doesn't always save money implies government will save money most of the time.

I think it would have been more clear if you said "the goverment DOES NOT SAVE MONEY by contracting out services." Or even "the government often loses money", whatever.


Such an insightful post Scott! Indeed, with no oversight, accountability is pretty much dead. If you don't control what's going on how are you going to find out what needs to be fixed. I think the government contract vehicles is important not only for us consumers but also for everyone else. Thanks for posting this!

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