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Sep 20, 2012


kay sieverding

I've been trying to find out why and how I was imprisoned by DOJ without a criminal charge so I have been ordering records on myself. DOJ is now claiming that there are charges for FOIA searches. However, there is a Federal Register Notice Vol 52 P 10019 that says there are no fees for Privacy Act searches -- i.e. looking for federal government computer records about self.

The GSA Federal Citizen Information Center publishes something similar on line called Your Right to Federal Records. It's actually a joint publication with the DOJ, the same organization that filed in Federal Court in the District of Columbia 11-01032 on July 12, 12 claiming that there are charges for searches for records about self. The 31 page on line pamphlet also says that you don't have to file an administrative appeal to get a court order to get records about oneself.


My FOIA took several years for a response and when I received it, the testimony I provided at a hearing in NYC was edited, the many interviews at my home by individuals that told me my employer was going to jail for 70 years were missing, the visit to my home that told me I could be kidnapped was missing, the information about the 3 days of hell at a Federal office where I was told I could not tell them anything unless asked was missing, that as a secretary I could be prosecuted because I worked at the company, and further, the transcrips of records were missing. Etc. These people ruined my life and my son's life. What has become very clear is that as a CS and witness, my information is no longer confidential although Federal law is supposed to protect my identity and that this is to prevent retaliation, harrassment and threats.

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