For thousands of former Marines and their families, Monday marked a milestone in an ongoing fight for truth and justice. In an Oval Office ceremony, President Obama signed into law the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act (H.R. 1627), which will provide healthcare for those exposed to contaminated water while living at Marine Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.
“I’m still in shock,” Mike Partain, a breast cancer survivor born at Camp Lejeune, told The Kansas City Star on Monday. “We’ve been fighting for justice for so long—fighting the juggernaut of the Marine Corps. They should have quashed us a long time ago.”
Retired Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger has led the charge. The title of the new law that would provide healthcare for Camp Lejeune veterans and their families is named for his daughter, Janey, who passed away from leukemia in 1985 at the age of 9, while they were living on the base. Since Ensminger first learned about the toxic water 1997, he has tirelessly sought answers to why so many have fallen ill and died.
Both Partain and Ensminger stood behind the president as he added his signature to the bill. Of the many victims of the contamination, Obama said:
“They protect our freedom, and it’s our obligation to do right by them. This bill takes another important step in fulfilling that commitment. … Sadly, this act alone will not bring back those we’ve lost, including Jane Ensminger, but it will honor their memory by making a real difference for those who are still suffering.”
While the passage of H.R. 1627 is a considerable step forward, the Marine Corps and the Navy have yet to come clean and take full responsibility for the deadly contamination. In fact, they continue to withhold information related to the toxic water from the public and even from members of Congress.
Marine leadership has also been sluggish on notifying those who may have been exposed, and the Navy has delayed the release of crucial documents to members of Congress. Still, the Marine Corps has issued a statement saying that it is pleased with the law.
“These people recognize what they did,” Partain told the Star. “They recognize what it could possibly do to the Marine Corps as far as the damage to its reputation. And they chose to cover it up rather than do the honorable thing and stand up and say, ‘We made a mistake, and we hurt some people. Let’s take care of it.’”
From 1957 until 1987, as many as one million Marines, their family members, and civilians drank and bathed in water from wells contaminated with dozens of carcinogens and other chemicals. One chemical, trichloroethylene (TCE), was present at 280 times the legal limit and has been connected to several types of cancer. A rare form of male breast cancer, as well as childhood cancers such as leukemia, have been especially common among former base residents.
“After a long and hard-fought battle for truth and justice, those who have suffered will finally have some respite and care,” said Angela Canterbury, Director of Public Policy at the Project On Government Oversight. “That is the very least that they deserve.”
Anna Meier is a communications associate at the Project On Government Oversight. Image of President Obama signing the bill from the official White House video.
I just want let the USMC and Family know just thank god we have proud men look out for USMC and their family.I would like to share with you I have Multiple Sclerosis it start after leave camp lejeune.My next duty station Albany GA where thing start happen with my heatlh. I have see young USMC men & women became sick with no two people are like.
after going to the VA hospital and meet other USMC veterans who have ms and live at camp lejeune we said we still live thank god this story out thank you from the multiple sclerosis group in new york
Posted by: vanessa twine | Dec 14, 2012 at 10:42 PM
I was in Capm Lejeune in do i fill a claim for water contamination.
Posted by: PFC Richard Stauder | Nov 22, 2012 at 03:45 PM
I am proud to have been in the Marines , and yes i did four years at Camp Lejeune 1976 to 1980. In 2008 i became vary ill,the V.A. told me that had stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.I had filed a claim and was told that its not related to the Marine Corp since there was no record that i had cancer while i was in the corps
Posted by: Robert Gauss | Nov 16, 2012 at 07:18 PM
How do I but in a claim for the water contamination
Posted by: L/cpl teddy bonds | Nov 12, 2012 at 11:00 PM
I was conceived and born in Camp Lejeune in 1962. I lost my father (20 years with USMC infantry) to lung cancer and mother to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Nobody knew why, although the coincidence was remarkable since nobody else on either side of our families died of cancer and because my father was a non-smoking athlete. Marines know they are likely to be put in harm's way, but had no idea their families would not be safe at home. This story needs to be told.
Posted by: TonyD | Oct 16, 2012 at 12:53 PM
What responsiblity the Goverment takes to assist family with not only the burden of losing a love one who was contacted by contaminaton, but the fancial burded thier family have for treatment of thier love ones. Iti is a disgrace and shame our Corps and Navy did not protect our families as we join to protect our country. I hope this will never happen to anyone or thier family again. God Bless all that suffered a lost.
Posted by: CWO-4 Daryl Smith | Oct 09, 2012 at 02:57 PM
I am the wife of a Marine that was stationed @ Lejeune from 77-81. He is currently undergoing testing for a lengthy (5-6 years) significant increased white bloodcell count and I was wondering if this is an indicator of any of the illnesses that many of our Marines from Lejeune have been or are still having? He had several friends that were stationed here as well that have since passed, both from a rare brain cancer. I am concerned because many of the symptoms his friends had are some of the same symptoms that he is experiencing (increased WBC count, headaches, degenerative spine disease, significant weight loss). He has been told that he has to have another brain MRI done, this too alarms me. Are there others that have had these symptoms? CONCERNED WIFE of a PROUD UNITED STATES MARINE-Semper Fi !!!!
Posted by: Wanda Doane | Oct 03, 2012 at 05:09 PM
My father was stationed in Camp LeJeune for seven years and I was born at the Naval Hospital. My 17 year old son was recently diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and I am curious if anyone else has been diagnosed first, second or even third generational with this disease as it is relatively rare. Thank you.
Posted by: Renee Ware | Oct 02, 2012 at 04:34 PM
My wife, children and I lived at Tarawa Terrace 11 from 1972-1975. My wife Kathy was just diagnosed with Hogdkins lympmnoma, hopefully if enough people come forward our government will have to look further into all these deseases.
Posted by: James Stubbe | Sep 23, 2012 at 10:26 AM
My wife was born at Camp Leguene duting the water pollution issue and lived there for years. She has since passed away from a rare form of brain cancer. Any ideas for the children she left behind?
Posted by: Allen Ash | Sep 18, 2012 at 08:15 PM
As I continued to deteriorate, renal carcenoma both kidneys and now possible pancreatic cancer, I wondered when or if this moment ever would arrive! Alas, it has. And now, to insure the VA does the right thing, keep up the momentum.
Semper FI.
Posted by: jpchass | Aug 22, 2012 at 06:02 PM
This is a good first step, not all problems are covered. Only the 15 listed in the bill. Most are different types of cancers. There are several not covered, but in 2014 when the results of the health survey are released. I believe that more problems will be covered.
Posted by: Doc Schmidt | Aug 16, 2012 at 01:38 PM
My dad has MS and had been linked back to when he was stationed there. This is a huge moment for not just my dad, but for my entire family as we struggle to find more answers and the effects this disease will have not just my dad, but for myself and my kids.
Thank you President
Posted by: Holly | Aug 13, 2012 at 11:05 AM
My son was born with a cleft palate which was a result of the chemicals we drank during my stay at Terrawa Terrace. But this has yet to be recongnized.
Posted by: Tim Bailey | Aug 13, 2012 at 09:49 AM
Just want to say this has been a long
time coming. My daughter Megan Alterese O
utlaw, died last year of breast cance
r at age 28. I was stationed at. Lejeune in 1
966 and again in 1968 after tour of duty in NAM.
Posted by: willis OUTLAW, Jr. | Aug 12, 2012 at 11:47 AM
It is said that we have been wronged so what about all the times that we have been denied service connected compensation for skin disease and all other issues? Will their be retroaction and no more waiting? Please someone get us an answer.
Semper Fi!
Posted by: Mammafine Marine | Aug 12, 2012 at 06:40 AM
This case of healthcare for victims of past negligence underscores the real essence of good governance and should serve as lesson (if not inspiration) for political leaders all over the world where people die by man-made disasters and protesters against such are brutalised and killed.
Posted by: David Okorafor | Aug 12, 2012 at 03:55 AM
Jerry God bless you and everybody that helped get this law past. You are a true angel I will always remember you in my prayers and your beautiful daughter. I conceived two children in camp lejeune nc and gave birth to one. Plus my 3yr old daughter bathed and drank that water for 3 yrs. I now have hashimotos encephalopathy and stiff person syndrome and thyroid disease hearing lose and a lesion on my lung I feel blessed every day though because my children are still healthy and my grandchildren. You will always be our hero. God bless
Posted by: barbara martinez | Aug 09, 2012 at 01:21 PM
I was born on the base in 1967. I recently had testicular cancer. How do I find out if my medical expenses would be covered. Thank you and POGO is great.
Posted by: Leland Casey | Aug 09, 2012 at 08:34 AM
What about the poor Marines that served in the prior years, 1955, 1956 that endured the same thing and have breast cancer and bone cancer? Please don't forget about them.
Posted by: Janine Vascukynas | Aug 08, 2012 at 02:41 PM
This extension of benefits to a particular group while well-deserved underscores the need for comprehensive, real reform. Obamacare is a good start.
What group is underserving of access to healthcare?
Is the uninsured person making your latte and working 3 part time jobs less deserving of access to healthcare than these good people cited in the article?
If so, we should have the guts as a nation to say so.
Posted by: Art As Social Inquiry | Aug 08, 2012 at 02:11 PM
It is great when wrongs can be recognized and in some cases righted. Congratulations to all those who made this day possible. Tears and memories for those who suffered from illness or disease. Thank you men and women of the Marines for not giving up on your country.
Thank you Pogo. America is a better place with the work you do.
Posted by: Scott Kuechenmeister | Aug 08, 2012 at 11:57 AM