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Aug 16, 2012


Richard Fairfleld

Just one example of waste. We need to cut the military Pentagon/Defense Dept. budgets drastically. Start with an across the board 20% cut and then add another 10% per year for 5 years. Use an Senate Oversight Commitee (composed of Senators who do not have large contracts in their states)to review and monitor the reductions and report to the Congress on a quarterly basis.


The Navy should go back to designing their own ships. This method of doing business is simply not working. We used to spend less for a naval fleet over twice the size of the one we have now. It is simply one more example of how inheritly government functions have been outsourced with disasterous consequences. The defense contractor has gotten rich, and we are stuck with a crappy ship that can be sunk with a .50 cal machine gun mounted on the deck of a speed boat.


If you look back in the history of the Littoral Combat Ship, you will see that the Navy was supposed to do a "sail off" between the two designs. Of course, that did not happen. When House Appropriations Committee looked the prototypes, it learned that there were supposed to be three missions for the ship, but that it could only go to sea with two at a time. The solution was to leave the third mission in a friendly port and then tell the "bad guys" "time out." We have to go into port a week to change out our capabilities. Then, the Navy began to bring BOTH versions into production without demonstrating that either one would work. Those are your tax dollars at work!!

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