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Aug 10, 2012



Don't forget SSCI's efforts to cut back on reporting requirements tied to nuclear labs, passed just days before the Y-12 breach.


I buy fish at the same store as Dr. Chu buys fish. He is a knowledgeable and discriminating shopper, and a swell guy. But he comes form the Lab Contractor Community, a branch of the MIC. The universities obviously are terrible stewards of the labs (at least since the 1950s). They are one more trough to slurp at. Legions of grad students and over hired faculty earn nice livings there and have much security and little oversight. He likes that, but he's gotta look at their (classified) results, as well as their slothful admin management, e.g., procurement, finance, personnel, and....wait for it...security. Low grades are in order for most of these sites. The universities (like Cal) and the consortia need to be read their rights and put on notice that the FBI will come riding in and indictments will be in order for waste, fraud, and abuse, and unforgivable security violations. Chu also has Solyndra on his report card. He is a great fella and scientist. Perhaps he does need a rest, but the odds of The President finding a good replacement are very low.

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