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Jul 19, 2012


Scott Amey


The saving would be significant whether in the billions or tens of billions annually. A riot would be great but I'm unsure that most shareholders would realize or understand how they are burdened with the difference.

It is very hard to justify freezing federal salaries but allowing contractors to bill $70K more for compensation this year. If lawmakers are serious about cutting big govt, reducing the size of govt, sustainability, and making ends meet, contractor compensation, personnel, and services are going to have be placed on the chopping block.

Congress is finally getting the picture when it comes to reducing DoD spending (see the Mulvaney (R-SC) and Frank (D-MA) bi-partisan amendment to cut the overall level of the DoD approps bill by $1.1 billion). That money has to come from somewhere and all spending should be considered.


Look. This is simple. It won't save billions. The charges do not add up to anything like that. Mid- and large-size firms will resort to paying any overages out of the bottom line, which is their discretion to do--as long as shareholders do not riot. Some of these people are worth a lot more than a govie. And some govies are woefully underpaid, but that does not include many below SES (almost none). But those with the big jobs in the SES cannot possibly scale their salaries to their scope--and they might earn bupkus in the private sector, even from a feelthy contractor. And the career types say they do it for love of public service anyway. Regardless, it is critical to not pay the contractor biggies for doing little work or delivering crap. In the government, those two outcomes are usually not penalized, but we can penalize the contractors.

Scott Amey

@matthewweigelt tweeted -- Contractor salary cap at VP level: out of order

I'm awaiting confirmation and imagine that the reason will be legislating in an approps bill.

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