Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the freshest investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's online producer |
Whistleblower Issues
Vast F.D.A. Effort Tracked E-Mails of Its Scientists
Eric Lichtblau and Scott Shane, The New York Times
National Security
Auditors say billions likely wasted in Iraq work during war
Robert Burns, The Associated Press
Two Very Troubled Fighter Jets
Editorial, The New York Times
Mercenaries Sue Blackwater Over Fake Gun Tests
Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Voters really want to cut defense spending — even when it benefits their districts
Suzy Khimm, Wonkblog
Financial Sector
Calculated Deal in a Rate-Rigging Inquiry
James B. Stewart, The New York Times
Tim Geithner's Libor Recommendations Came Straight From Banks, Documents Show
Ryan Grim, The Huffington Post
Treasury probe cites officials for soliciting prostitutes, accepting industry gifts, FOIA docs reveal
Bob Cusack, The Hill
Contract Oversight
ANCs get billions less in contracts
Sarah Chacko, Federal Times
Contract fights to get uglier as budget shrink
Sarah Chacko, Federal Times
Out of Stock: Foreign Service members want out of Stock Act
Joe Davidson, Federal Eye