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Jun 27, 2012


Kay Sieverding


I filed a motion for summary judgment that DOJ is liable to me under 5 USC section 552a subsection (e)(4)(I) because it used the Prisoner Tracking System to imprison me without a criminal charge but published Notices in the Federal Register that the sources of categories of records in the system are those needed to manage the detention of federal prisoners who are imprisoned pursuant to a criminal proceeding.

There is a copy of that motion at the above website, File 15. Friday was DOJ's last day to file a response but it filed nothing!!!!! Yeah Yeah

Kay Sieverding

I was imprisoned by the U.S. Department of Justice based on an unproven accusation that I was a vexatious litigant. I don't have a criminal record. The witnesses against me weren't sworn and I was not allowed to cross examine them or to have witnesses on my behalf.

DOJ put me on indefinite detention and I was not released until I agreed to file motions to dismiss actions in federal court. I was forced to act against my own self interest.

Personally, I think we are heading towards genocide in the U.S. The loss of rights in the U.S. is similar to the progression of loss of rights in Germany in the 1930's. It's all cumulative.

In order to win against me in Court, DOJ misquoted the Federal Register (twice) and mischaracterized my claims. DOJ claimed that they imprisoned me without a criminal charge on purpose and that they don't need a criminal charge to imprison someone.

There are transcripts, emails and forms from DOJ at the above website.

Linda K DiVittorio

Of course they plan to ask questions about insider trading, corporate gifts, and the billionaires buying their influence and information, right?

Barbara A. Bondurant

The solution to leaks? Not lie detectors - Transparancy!

Alex Wipf

Lie detectors don't work! They indicate if you have feelings when asked a question. It presumes you have guilty feelings. Sociopaths have no feelings and you may just be a highly feeling person. That's why they are inadmissible legally.

Gul Nortani

Antipolygraph.org and its leader George Maschke are part of an elaborate false website that in reality is a honeypot sting operation.The website is meant to ID and report on people researching how to beat the polygraph. The website records any and all IP traffic that uses the website. The server is in Canada while Mr Maschke resides in Europe. This combination of server / controller opens the user to being monitored under their Patriot Act by US Government entities. As it doesn't violate their laws on monitoring US Citizens.
Readers you are warned.

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