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May 22, 2012



Hey, look. Mr. Work is only one of the latest officials to be sent on the fools errand of defending this monstrous mistake that achieves a trisecting of shorting and disappointing: the war fighters, the taxpayers, and the few honest officials who called it a pig in a poke. All of the remaining admirals, career and political SES's and other civil servants who had a hand in this should be court martialed or subject to investigation for malfeasance and mismanagement, including criminal negligence. This is gross and so monstrous. It only reminds one of the Osprey, which after killing a bunch of Marines and being grossly over-run and protected from real combat missions, still survives. We need a president and a defense secretary who will put an end to this. Unfortunately, Obama and Panetta can't muster a pair between them

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