Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the freshest investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor |
Financial Oversight
Obama Proposes Large Budget Boosts for SEC, CFTC
Christopher Doering, Reuters
Bear Stearns Ex-Managers to Pay $1 Million to Settle Fraud Case
Peter Lattman, The New York Times
Financial Crisis Chair Angelides Quits Mortgage Firm
Matthew Goldstein and Jennifer Abian, Reuters
Obama Budget: Price Tag for Wall Street Bailout Goes Up
Jia Lynn Yang and Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post
National Security
The Air Force's Simple, No-Frills, Advanced New Bomber
Philip Ewing, DoD Buzz
Army 2013 Budget Magically Drops 50 Thousand Soldiers; Aviation Thrives
Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Aol Defense
The Proposed 2013 Defense Budget: "Shaving the Balloon"
Mark Thompson, Battleland
Contract Oversight
Insiders: Pentagon Should Not Offer Bailouts to Keep Defense Companies Afloat
Sara Sorcher, National Journal
GAO Sets New Policy on Debarments, Suspensions
Alysha Sideman, Washington Technology
Pentagon Misreports or Ignores Long-Term Weapon Costs
R. Jeffrey Smith, iWatch News
Open Government
Seven Cabinet Departments Late Filing FOIA Reports
Wendell Cochran, Investigative Reporting Workshop
Agencies Told to Report on Decline in Secrecy
Steven Aftergood, Secrecy News