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Dec 15, 2011


Peter Scannell

It’s one thing to be undercover with a badge and a gun, it is a distinctly different event for an identifiable ordinary citizen who chooses to expose fraud. There is no place to hide, they know where you live, they know who you love, and they know no one will believe you.


What about internal reporting back then?

It was during his tenure with the Fraud Squad that Grimm started his undercover career, resulting in him being the first FBI Agent to successfully infiltrate Wall Street Operation Wooden Nickel was arguably one of the most successful White Collar undercover investigations in the history of the FBI. As part of the investigation, Grimm maintained a deep undercover role as a hedge fund manager for almost two years while obtaining evidence against more than 50 individuals committing frauds spanning the spectrum from stock manipulation and currency scams to money laundering. Grimm was once again honored by being awarded his second "QSI".

Peter Scannell

I wonder how many whistleblowers were interviewed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's grim reaper drafting the “improved act” - oh ya, their broke and can't pay the price of admission to Congress’s current tea party circus. I wonder if there is an example of how far reaching an act of conspiracy covering up securities fraud can spread within an organization. Let’s see…

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