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Nov 04, 2011



I strongly agree with the outraged human trafficking. I want government to give focus on this statement "The labor practices Lankford referred to include crushing recruitment fees that create conditions of debt bondage for some workers, fraudulent recruitment practices where laborers are lured by false promises of good pay, and other indicators of labor trafficking. U.S. tax dollars are fueling many of these abuses through contracting to a bewildering array of foreign subcontractors and labor brokers working indirectly on behalf of the U.S. government."

Prof Patt

Thank you, Nick Schwellenbach, for this fair and balanced article. Indeed, the U.S. State Department's Office To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons has been an effective leader in combating Human Trafficking. Nevertheless, as you wrote, the absence of enforcement despite the plethora of allegations regarding contractors working for the U.S. government overseas is a notable weak spot that must be corrected. - Prof Patt, http://gvnet.com/humantrafficking/

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