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Jun 17, 2011



I think the independence of the board is important. The board needs to focus on what is necessary and not what is politically advantageous to do with regard to transparency and accountability. OMB is too beholden to the political agenda of the Administration to be the change agent needed. OMB should have an arms-length involvement with the board and only act in an advisory and supporting capacity.


What happened with this bill? OMB Watch says they oppose the mark up version as it's written, saying it would "be a significant setback for spending transparency." What's POGO's take?

Richard Grover

Although, as long as our government is opening a window with one hand while keeping its other hidden, perhaps we should think a little more responsibly before giving it a transparency award! 224,734 new secrets in 2009 alone! 22% more than Bush's last year! Not to mention, of course, Obama's regressive orientation towards whistleblowers!

It is doublethink, plain and simple, that allows one not to see the absurdity in giving Obama a transparency award!

POGO, OMB Watch, the National Security Archive, Open the Government.Org, and the Reporters Committee have earned increased skepticism from the grassroots.

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