Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the freshest investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor.
National Security
Unfinished Business: Ten huge challenges Bob Gates leaves behind
Gordon Adams, Foreign Policy
V-22 pilots not to blame for crash, widows say
Bob Cox, Star-Telegram
Did Robert Gates Terminate 30 DOD Hardware Programs, Saving $300 Billion?
Winslow Wheeler, Huffington Post
DoS Contracting: CWC's 2nd Interim Report, the QDDR and Iraq Transition
Commission on Wartime Contracting
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Revolving Door
Drug Makers’ Feared Enemy Switches Sides, as Their Lawyer
Duff Wilson, The New York Times
Nuclear Weapons Complex
Oak Ridge security officer struck by bullet fragments when Gatling gun malfunctions
Frank Munger, Atomic City Underground
Government Operations
Federal government still depends heavily on snail mail
Lisa Rein, The Washington Post
Financial Sector Oversight
From Dodd-Frank to Dud: How Financial Reform May Be Going Wrong
Jesse Eisinger and Jake Bernstein, ProPublica
U.S. Lawmakers Seek Probe of Handling of Madoff Claims
Jessica Holzer, The Wall Street Journal
Goldman Sachs Criminal Probe May Use Powerful New York State Law
David Voreacos, Bloomberg
Goldman Plans to Fight Back Against Senate Report
Liz Rappaport, The Wall Street Journal
Open Government
Hill analysis: Agencies' FOIA responses seem to have no guide
Cristina Marcos, The Hill
Obama Declassifies Portion of 1968 President’s Daily Brief
Steven Aftergood, Secrecy News