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Jun 10, 2011


Joe Carson

A deeper cause of the Drake case is the 33 year-long broken covenant of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, that the federal government would adequately protect members of the federal civil service - which includes NSA and other intelligence agency employees - from all types of prohibited personnel practices (PPPs), including reprisal - so they could perform their duties in a trustworthy fashion, per the merit system principles. This is spelled out, in nuclear grade (i.e. eye-glazing) detail, at www.broken-covenant.org

Until the broken covenant is exposed and fixed, we are treating various symptoms, not the real root cause.

Thomas Drake is, among other things, a profit-center to many in good-government community, who have, are, and will use him as a poster child for their fundraising efforts. If they really respected his courage, they would fix the broken covenant, instead of waiting for the next Thomas Drake to rescue so publicly.

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