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Jun 14, 2011


Elaine Thompson

Just before the Christmas break, our discussion in my social science class was about human trafficking. Our teacher showed many pictures about it which were really pity. I could not imagine myself being on that situation.

Debra LeCompte

MS. Sparky, why do you "hope there is more juicy info?" This is a disgrace to out country. I hope the info shows that those with integrity reported anything suspicious, and those government agencies responsible responded with integrity. There seems to me many folks who delight in corruption being revealed. It is a shame to us all, and simply gloating doesn't change a thing. Instead you should write your congressmen, demand honor in all government dealings, and vote according to those who are responsive. That being said, I am positive that they will reveal problems, reported by men and women serving in the military who live the integrity the Army embraces as its' philosophy. Due diligence right down to each individual citizen of this country can change things. That begins with organizations such as this one which is informing our citizens of these atrocities. Unfortunately, greed is a world wide problem, and these wars being supported by "contractors," presents corporations with opportunities for gain, ... extreme gain.

Debra LeCompte

As these contracts are government contracts, ultimately it is our governments responsibility. The way these incidents are avoided is by those government officials who supervise the contracts must be certain that their staff is "boots on the ground." Swift reporting, contract enforcing, fines large enough to their attention, and or banning of companies which participate in these practices can't take place if those supervising contracts do not get out, look with their own eyes, question employees, etc. at every site where contractors are present. I understand that there are approximately 27,000 sub contractors in Afghanistan now, and there have been reports of this same activity in 2010 in Afghanistan. I know, because my husband made one of them.


And yet here they are in Afghanistan with DI Contracts.


watch this video



MS Sparkey they did not do there home work (cut and Dry)

my gramer and spelling is not the best but i can see the email and my eyes do not see where that the investigation was done for trafficking or Tips

you worked KBR Ms. Sparky and you know you can be investigated for anything, may be they did not signe there time sheet at the end of the day

BAM BAM now it a time sheet fraud investigation

look they have been duped i will just point none of those individuals from KBR were fired for TCN abuse of trafficking in person i know that for a fact and to even allege that of those good people that are retired military just shows that the home work was not done

My point and Case that Story is not coming from a reliable source

Mike Land

I was a KBR employee for 43 months, from Nov 04 til May 08, assigned to O&M, Industrial Zone, North Victory (changed to Camp Liberty)

Two weeks after laying a plate of wormy food on the Project Manager's desk, and asking him "Would you eat this shit?", he called me to his office to assure me the food issue had been taken care of.

I told him that I was pleased, but that my real issue, and the one I thought most odious about the entire TCN issue was the illicit agency fee that took my guys a year in Iraq to repay.

He said "What are you talking about? There's no fee." The Project Manager didn't know what most Labor Foremen did know. He asked if I could substantiate my claim and I said that I certainly could.

I interviewed 28 men in my area, and did an Excel spreadsheet showing that the average fee was between 2,500 and 3,000 dollars, and that on average it was 13 months before the debt was repaid. During that time the men were spent .75 out of every dollar on debt repayment. So the $1.25 an hour they were being paid for their 12 hour days was actually netting them about 32 cents an hour.

Any literate and innumerate individual can understand the implications of this, so I won't expound on the way in which this represents indentured servitude.

I submitted my findings to the Project Manager, and emailed copies to the CEO of KBR and the head of HR in Houston, and several other high ranking KBR managers. I know they got the word, because within two weeks a guy from Contract Administration came to the IZ and re-interviewed the same 28 guys - and got the same answers.

KBR can not claim ignorance. I know that first hand.

So what was done about it? Nothing. Not one damned thing. Just before I left in May of '08 I picked up a new arrival from Nepal. I asked him how much he'd paid the agency. He told me, and I did the currency conversion - it was $2,500.00.

I've often wondered America ever does pull out of Iraq, and they send the TCN's home to India, who is going to repay the debt for the agency fee? - a debt that will be impossible to pay even the interest on at Indian labor rates.

Ms Sparky


There is no doubt in my mind that Nick Schwellenbach at POGO and David Isenberg have both done their due diligence on this report. Nick Schwellenbach and David Isenberg are both respected government contractor investigators and wouldn't risk their reputations by publishing misleading or inaccurate information. I suspect your source may be the one who is misleading you.


Mr. Been There

you really need to check your statement, those people never made inside the base to work, so your statement is inaccurate also, and they did not belong to the DFACs they belonged to other trades that did not have man camps inside the base so they were housed in what they called the Elite Camp/ and alot of them were what was called jumpers / or runaways that tried to get jobs that paid more and that got fired for misconduct or was a criminal

so you need to get your facts straight also


thats because there is no warrants and the information being given to POGO is not accurate,the person that is providing it is the real Crook so check your source and see how many times his name is mentioned all the news stories, you have been duped by a smooth criminal and really has taken away from the credibility of the story by providing you with false information, this is a real Black Eye for POGO and Ms. Sparky

Been There

I would like to clarify a point. Those people who were living in those man camps on base that weren't living in sanitary conditions were the same people preparing and serving our food at the DFACs. Whether is is Najlaa, PPI, Tamimi, Serka, Supreme they make those people live in conditions that would be considered inhumane to animals in the U.S. and KBR, Flour, Dyncorp and the DoD ALL turn their backs. If you try to raise hell about it most likely you will be the one terminated or transferred to some crap hole camp as punishment. I personally tried to advocate for my Indian workers because they were actually starving because the food they were given lacked nutritional value, was infested with bugs or just plain rotten. I was told to stay in my lane and mind my own business. Since when is it OK to turn and look the other when laws are being violated.

Ms Sparky

Also, if there are warrants out for Bill Baisey's arrest in Iraq, how is he moving freely in and out of Iraq?

Ms Sparky

Well done! (clapping hands) KBR is responsible for the actions of their subcontractors. If not legally then morally and ethically. Every time one of these slave owning companies like Najlaa or PPI hit the news with atrocious human rights violations, it's an black eye against the U.S.

KBR and the DoD seem to have a "the end justifies the means" mentality when it comes to human trafficking. "Yep....it just horrible how these TCN's are treated....now let's all head to dinner and let them serve us!"

I hope there is more juicy info in that "cache of internal corporate and government documents" you've received.

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