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May 03, 2011


Peter Woodfellow

I have heard about similar this like this in the US army and spare parts of vehicles, I wish there was more openness with these kinds of things because if the government was getting ripped off im sure the public would picket these companies

Jay Bernhardt

Not true !

Jay Bernhardt

Boeing sold the FSC # 1560 one for $5.82 each & $6.04 each. I do not see any sales for $1678.60


Not to say we didn't get ripped off, but the CAGE code on the part in the left picture indicates it was not a made by Boeing. Do we know if this company is one of Boeing's suppliers for this part? Did Boeing bill us for the part under its NSN, or Boeing's part number? When we buy from an OEM like Boeing we're bound to pay more. The KO should have ordered the parts via NSN, since one is assigned. Did DLA buy it in the same quantity as was purchased from Boeing? If we were stupid enough to buy from Boeing for a 1 each, then we probably also had to pay "set up" and other similar charges associated with small production runs. If it was defective pricing, why is the refund a result of an IG audit and not a criminal or civil investigation/ DP cases may make the prosecutors' eyes glaze over, but they are not impossible to prove. More of them need to be pursued!!

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