By Nick Schwellenbach
Every Friday, POGO will strive to make one document available that we or others have obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), especially documents that have not previously been posted online. Some of these documents will be more important than others, some may only be of historical interest— although relevance is in the eye of the beholder. POGO is doing this to highlight the importance of open government and FOIA throughout the year.
This week’s document: Followup Audit of the Use of Role-Players for Training at Combat Training Centers
Document agency: U.S. Army Audit Agency (USAAA)
Document number: A-2010-0118-FFF
Document date: June 21, 2010
In a nutshell: An initial audit by the USAAA said the Army could save money in procuring combat role players at training centers and made recommendations. This followup audit focused on the implementation of one of the recommendations. While “the original audit estimated potential monetary benefits of $4.1 million” according to the followup audit, “the Army realized monetary benefits of $2.7 million by not paying field stipend fees for most of FY 08 and for all of FY 09.” It explains that “the actual savings was less because the Army paid the stipend for the first two training rotations in FY 08 and because the actual fees paid were less than the estimate.”
Commentary: As we pointed out in our inaugural FOIA Friday post, the USAAA is just one of several Pentagon agencies with key oversight responsibilities that does not proactively publish its reports online. That's too bad, as reports like this one could be a useful resource to the public.