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May 12, 2011



It is truly astounding that Dr. Kutcher continues to perpetrate the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Paxil Study 329 fraud with comments such as "I don't think that study caused any particular controversy,". Earth-to-Kutcher!!!

It is udoubtedly his arrogance that has now forever tarnished his reputation as a leading Canadian Child & Adolescent psychiatrist.

Difficult to think that in the future, anyone would believe anything published in his name to be good medical science.

This should be a good warning to the others.

In any case, we certainly don't need people like him representing Canadians in government.

Paul, Thank You for the good work you & POGO do to expose these medical-scientific fraudsters.

BTW: I am not a Scientologist - I am a victim - having lost a young tennager to Paxil-realted-suicide.


You might want to ask these questions through the website he is affiliated with... www.teenmentalhealth.org... perhaps if you submit the questions there he might answer them... or maybe not.

Stan Kutcher

I can has more Big Pharma moneez, pleez?

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