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Apr 25, 2011



"why does the USAF need to use pilots to fly drones in the Mideast. This job could be done by a computer adept highschool graduate at one-fourth the cost."

Well, for starters, because drones operate in airspace with other airplanes. Sure, you don't need a rated pilot to do that, but it damn sure needs more than a HS diploma wielding playstation jockey.

Helen Gori

It would be so nice if the media covered this with as much enthusiasm as it shows for the latedt 'birther' nonsense.

David Epstein

I left active duty many years ago because I saw that Navy Captains were doing the same work as was I, then a junior Navy Lieutenant.

While you're at it, why does the USAF need to use pilots to fly drones in the Mideast. This job could be done by a computer adept highschool graduate at one-fourth the cost.

Ronald J. Woodhouse

The military seems to obtain most of the budget dollars as well.

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