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Apr 26, 2011



"Politicking For Blowouts"
(With Big Oil's Congressional assistance)

How long can the Gulf defer its next blowouts
While knowing full well that preventers don't work?
That's not a problem according to Landry,
Whose Inhofe approach is a pitiful quirk.

Regulators are there to avoid any blowouts
Their problem's the nutjobs who insist that they don't
No matter how much Landry plays to constituents,
Those blowout preventers they use simply won't.

So with enough pressure from nutjobs like Landry,
Drill permits are issued and we breathlessly wait
Till Landry's insistence kills off more constituents
And Louisianans find a new candidate.

It's not just constituents who'll pay through the nose.
Whose taxpayers subsidize corporate gambling
At a time when the deficit bequeathed us by Bushie
Has Tea Party extremists in Washington scrambling?

Ditto with federal air traffic controllers,
Bank regulators and the NRC.
Enjoy your steak dinner and its E. coli.
"Not to worry!" That's Ryan, the geek's, guarantee…

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles
To 'Michael Bromwich accused of 'half truths'
by freshman Louisiana Rep. Jeff Landry'
To 'Bromwich: Permitting shouldn’t wait
for BOP improvements'
To 'Tests on BP Well Blowout Preventer
Confirm Redesign a Necessity'
To 'Are the New Subsea Well Containment Companies
Ready? Maybe.'
To 'US Nuclear Regulator Lets Industry Help With the Fine Print'
To 'Paul Ryan: Baby Geek'
To 'The Nuclear Regulatory Commission'
To 'Salazar's MMS (BOEMRE)'
To 'Will Anyone Even Insure Seniors
if Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Passes?'


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