Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the previous day's investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor.
Offshore overhaul tackles conflicts by Jennifer Dlouhy [Houston Chronicle]
Military 'mentors' quit over disclosure rules by Tom Vanden Brook [USA TODAY]
Do companies have 'personal privacy' rights? by Robert Barnes [The Washington Post]
GAO: Army contractors performing inherently governmental functions by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive]
Obama Consumer Agency May Not Be Able To Oversee Payday Lenders, Mortgage Firms by Shahien Nasiripour [The Huffington Post]
Bail them out, regulate them, then work for them by Timothy P. Carney [Washington Examiner]
Which mystery senator killed whistleblower bill? by Teri Sforza [Orange County Register]
Divided SEC Releases Study On Adviser Oversight [The Wall Street Journal]
ODNI Secrecy Activity, “Population” Increased in 2010 by Steve Aftergood [Secrecy News]
FDA Oversight on Food Labels Needs Improvement by Laurel Adams [The Daily Watchdog]
Health Journals May Force Reporting of Hedge Fund Ties by Alex Nussbaum [Bloomberg]
House panel trains sights on bank bailouts by Catalina Camia [USA TODAY]
Park Police chief's saga is both triumph, warning about honesty in government by Robert McCartney [The Washington Post]