Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the previous day's investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor.
IG finds Army mismanaged contingency operations support contract by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive]
Another Indictment in a Leak Case by Steven Aftergood [Secrecy News]
On The Media & GAP Work to Identify Senator Who Placed "Secret Hold" by Dylan Blaylock [The Whistleblogger]
Onetime Blackwater affiliate scores U.S. contract by Jeff Stein [Spy Talk]
Deep-Water Drilling to Resume by Steve Thompson [Annuity News Journal]
BP to Cut Alaskan Oil Production by Guy Chazan [The Wall Street Journal]
University of Toronto Kicks Purdue Pharma out of Pain Class by Marianne Skolek [Salem-News]
DISA wants more vendor accountability by Meg Beasley [Federal News Radio]
Is this what a 'death spiral' looks like? by Stephen Trimble [The DEW Line]
Outgoing members head to new jobs at law and lobby firms by Amanda Becker [The Washington Post]
Big Consultant Payouts Hint Insider Probe Will Broaden by Susan Pulliam, Michael Rothfeld, and Jenny Strasburg [The Wall Street Journal]
Document Friday: The Department of State was Hiding…. THIS?!?! by Nate Jones [Unredacted]