Bad Timing: Did SEC Wait Too Long Before Probing Lehman? by Charlie Gasparino [Fox Business]
Getting the Best of Both Bills: A Conference Committee Report by Mike Konczal [Rortybomb]
Drilling Rules Hit Alaska Pipeline by Brian Baskin and Cassandra Sweet [The Wall Street Journal]
Gajillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter, Now Easier to Shoot Down by Noah Shachtman [Danger Room]
Fannie-Freddie Fix at $160 Billion With $1 Trillion Worst Case by Lorraine Woellert and John Gittelsohn [Bloomberg]
TARP Repayments Surpass Loans by Darrell Hughes [The Wall Street Journal]
Lawmakers' committee assignments and industry
investments overlap by Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Dan Keating [The Washington
BP May Lose U.S. Oil Leases, Contracts as Gulf Spill Punishment by Jim Efstathiou Jr. and Jeff Plungis [Bloomberg Businessweek ]