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May 03, 2010


Charlene V. Miale

Minerals Management Service has a direct responsibility for analyzing and protecting United States offshore environments, the ecosystem, land usage and authorizing for oil drilling sites off the American Oceanic Continental Sea Shelves.
It has a duty, I feel, to assure us, U.S. Department of Interior, @/through Minerals Management Service, top paid US Geologists --- that such authorized drill sites, are safe. I suspect frankly, they have an obligation to me, an American citizen and taxpayer, to do correct geological interpretations, to procure safe drill zone offshore reportings to we the public. Such drilling shelf reports, assuring safety, to we Americans at large.
Objectively, analysing offshore drill samples and the probabilities for successfull offshore drill sites, best suited at least cost to we the public and the Department of Interior, relying on the MMS, for geological interpretations as related to offshore drilling and environmental safety of the World Public.

I have to ask the MMS? If we have not the tools in the box for "capping" deepsea drills at 1000 feet; as exhibited by this recent unfortunate Gulf Spill, why even consider trenching at 2000 feet plus? I say we STOP YOU, MMS for being lax at allowing drilling approvals, at such depths; and, not having the emergent technologies and subordinates affiliates to prevent the spill (capping) from expanding.

This will be the environmental diaster of our decade. As as long stand environmentalist and naturalist for Connecticut's shorelines -- I'm frightened to watch this pread out of control and to learn of this tradegedy and loose policies, fitting the MMS approvals, for such grand offshore drilling projects. We cannot rest.
This is not an accident by nature, but by man. Transocean had insureance and their shall be hopefully no cap placed on liability that they shall be accoutable for. 27Million is a joke and please see; that we will Gloabally as People's of this Globe, witness the death of the Mexican-American Gulf.
Such diaster must be averted and no caps (27M) shall or should be granted. As the risk should be placed on Transocean's Insurance Carrier's, in my opinion.
The "risk of this type of spill is a possibility of the offshore drilling business; and should be insured. NOT OBSCURED!!!! NOR shall the BUCK be passed at the pump! Offshore drilling and the MMS, should have EMERGENCY tactics to resolve such a spill. Or, Drilling at these depths at all platforms, leave us at comparable risk. One the Globe cannnot risk for her people, jeopardizing every ecosystem known, required for our own environmental sustainability and ecological modernization for future generations.


We American's are tapped out. Oil for lifesylyes, our homes, jobs, kids and careers. And, oil slick polluted Oceans', Privately owned offshore drilling corporations, will avert the tab. Not a just World and MMS -- ??? MMNN?

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