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Apr 06, 2010


Innocent bystander

"The court has not prevented the case from moving forward, finding that DeKort's allegations to be true, "well-pleaded factual allegations."

Not quite. In denying a summary judgment motion the court makes no findings as to the "truth" of the allegations - only the sufficiency of the pleadings. e.g. - do they even make sense and state a cognizable claim? This is not a huge hurdle, and in this case DeKort met it. Congratulations. But whether the allegations are "true" will be determined at trial; not in preliminary law and motion. If you're going to report on legal issues, it may not hurt to have your staff lawyer check your work.

Observer IV

Well done to Mr. DeKort. Any recovered money is just icing. The more important thing is to shatter the arrogance that this contractor shows in the allegedly false certification. The contractor would like the customer and taxpayers to take its word is its bond, and believe that the company is unquestionably honorable and aboveboard. Without that trust, certification of anything is bunk. This company needs to be reined in before its USCG deliverables kill people, and, secondarily, the taxpayers get hosed again. BTW, the second chance--and more money--this company is getting in the Commonwealth of Virgina is a stain on the new governor and colossal rip of the citizens.

Coast Guard Report

Congrats to Mr. DeKort!


Fool me once shame on me. Fool me over and over and over again? Well I work for the U.S. Postal Service and will soon deliver the output of Northrop Grumman's malfunctioning and ill-concieved $1.5 billion Flats Shuffler Shredder (FSS).

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