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Sep 04, 2009



I am amazed and confused that this is getting such a shock and awe reaction,contractors misbehaving. There have been many reports over the last few years of threats, intimidation, retaliation, prostitution, sexual misconduct, rape and the list goes on. These have been reported on both State Dept. and DoD contracts. The people coming forward have been either ignored or forced into secret binding arbitration. Why is no one looking at the similarities between all of these cases and moving forward to investigate and rectify the situation? The victims only victory in most cases will be validation; to date this has not happened nor has it been attempted. In fact I would wager to guess that the bulk of the victims feel as though they have been further ostracized and their careers put at risk. A lot of trouble for trying to do the right thing, don't you think?

There must be a huge carpet in Washington DC, to hold all of the crap that has been swept under it and apparently will continue to be swept under it.

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