Late yesterday, POGO received an envelope marked with the State Department's address in the upper left hand corner. Could this be the long-awaited reply to our 10-page letter highlighting a host of oversight and contractor misconduct problems at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul? After waiting a whole week for a perfunctory, two-sentence email reply, we thought that after another two weeks, we might finally have received word from someone at the Department.
Alas, we were let down again. Upon opening the envelope, we found a letter replying to an inquiry about furniture contracts. Might be something we'd look into, no? Only problem is, we didn't make that inquiry. The letter itself was addressed not to POGO, but to a DC-based lawyer (whose name, by the way, was spelled differently over the course of the letter). The letter mentioned it was responding to an inquiry from earlier in the summer, but carried no date of its own.
So if anyone has mistakenly received a letter from the State Department addressed to Danielle Brian at the "Project On Government Oversight," please let us know. Here's hoping future replies from State provide more than comic relief around the water cooler.
-- Bryan Rahija