Secrets in the Sky: A Tale of Two Air Marshals [PaperTrail] - The House Homeland Security Committee's hearing on "Protecting the Protectors: Examining the Personnel Challenges Facing the Federal Air Marshal Service" starts at 10:00; for more background, see POGO's recent report on federal air marshals
John Murtha says F-22 funding dead [Politico]
Wartime contracting commission heads back to Iraq [Government Executive]
SEC Votes to Propose Rules That Will Ban 'Pay to Play' [The Wall Street Journal]
Obama's Fed Risk Regulator Plan Fades as Lawmakers Back Council [Bloomberg]
Why Banks Should Support a Consumer Financial Protection Agency [Economix]
Accountants Gain Courage to Stand Up to Bankers [Bloomberg]
Hearing: "Establishing a Framework for Systemic Risk Regulation" [Senate Banking Committee]