Wall St. Firm Draws Scrutiny as U.S. Adviser [The New York Times]
Army to Restructure Weapons Program, Expand It to All Combat Brigades [The Washington Post]
House contracting caucus tackles acquisition workforce issues [Government Executive]
$144.5M to Boeing for C-17 Retrofits [Defense Industry Daily]
Efforts to Repay Bailouts May Undercut Benefit for Taxpayers [The New York Times]
GAO: Defense must make cultural, procedural changes to NSPS [Government Executive]
Stimulus Deadline Passes, But Where Are the Reports? [ProPublica]
Hearing: "To receive testimony on the Department of the Army in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2010 and the Future Years Defense Program" [Senate Armed Services Committee]
Hearing: "Approaches to Improving Credit Rating Agency Regulation" [House Financial Services Committee]