The Unbearable Opacity of TARP: Government agencies can’t tell us who's in charge [Real Time Investigations]
Obama Finds That Saving on Copters Could Be Costly [The New York Times]
Sen. Mikulski to "CLEAN UP" Outsourcing [Fedline]
Dept. of Defense May Hamstring Aerospace Development [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
Appeals Court Rejects 'State Secrets' Claim, Revives Detainee Suit [The Washington Post]
Lawmakers Probe Defense Acquisition Workforce Issues [Government Executive]
Who is in charge of TARP? The same folks that were before January 20, 2009. It is just that the mainstream media (i.e., GE controlled NBC and M$NBC) either does not want to report this, or does not know how to report it. Or maybe its a combination of both.
Posted by: Tony | Apr 30, 2009 at 11:33 AM