We know that actions speak louder than words, but there was a lot to like in yesterday's speech by Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY), the new Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
After promising to keep tabs on the incoming Democratic administration (“Congress has a responsibility to the citizens of this nation--to be a check on the executive branch”), Rep. Towns laid out his priorities for the Committee, many of which touched on topics near and dear to our heart.
I plan to move a bill written last Congress in cooperation with then-Senator Obama that would prevent tax delinquent contracting firms from getting new federal contracts.
The practice of poor performers and tax deadbeats continuing to receive new federal contracts needs to stop immediately! We are planning to discuss the suspension and debarment system to understand how these bad actors continue to utilize loopholes and other methods in order to game the system which wastes taxpayer money.
I'd like to expand the Obama-Coburn federal spending database which puts information about federal contracts and grants online for everyone to review.
And on oversight of the bailout:
The Committee will continue to investigate executive pay and bonuses at companies that received TARP funding. It is an embarrassment that so many firms who are receiving government funds continue to so richly reward poor performance.
(Would it be too much to ask for more oversight of the Minerals Management Service??)
As Congress debates whether or not to give the President-elect over $1 trillion in bailout and stimulus funds, the need to protect taxpayers from wasteful and fraudulent spending is greater than ever before. We look forward to working with Rep. Towns and his staff on these and other important issues in the months ahead.
-- Michael Smallberg
UPDATE: We should point out that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the new Ranking Member of the Committee, has announced his own plans to focus on issues such as procurement, contracting, the bailout, outsourcing, and the revolving door. And it looks like Peter Orszag, President-elect Obama's pick to head up the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), is also interested in improving oversight of government spending and protecting inherently governmental functions.
Dear Readers, 1/15/2008
I had intended to not write further blog comment replies unless I was linked and/or directly mentioned and/or requested in a POGO Blog and/or a POGO Blog mentioned the word 'simplicity' within a POGO Blog and with the presumable endeavor as to proper and forthright 'Oversight and Accountability'.
As this Article specifically and pointedly mentions 'Oversight of the Bailout', please allow me to re-mention ( and that seemingly all and/or most all and all the News Media have failed to properly and forthrightly accommodate) my support for the brave and courageous US Federal Judges whom have seemingly with with Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity ruled that seemingly any foreclosure Institution must and should produce the 'DEED DOCUMENT'.!!!!!.
Thank you and all for your time and consideration.
Posted by: Axel | Jan 15, 2009 at 03:22 PM
They pay us (federal contractors) more to screw up than they do if we perform well, and then they say we are taking advantage of "loopholes" to make money? Give me a break. And isn't the whole point of TARP to reward those who have failed? Duh! Do you have to be stupid to run for Congress or do they have a special lobotomy that you get once you get there? What's even more mysterious is why those who work for POGO continue to buy in to this garbage. Maybe you should regularly rotate your people out of Washington DC for a few months so they can breathe the air the rest of us breathe.
Posted by: Dfens | Jan 15, 2009 at 01:48 PM