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Nov 25, 2008


Scott Amey

$529 BILLION as of 12/4/08:


Scott Amey

$513 BILLION based on Nov. 26, 2008 data.


KSBR incredulous

the 10 percent is not easily found going line by line. rather, go for the big things, like bad DoD systems, massive and systematic medicare fraud, most the Farm Bill entitlements.

but the government lacks the capacity and capability to do much of what contractors do. so the work won't come in house. rather, whole programs will, and should, disappear or be massively cut back.

and while we are at it, let's not ignore the large pools of government labor that is wasted or which amount to severe contract abuse. and lower the fat midlevel salaries. many do clerical work or just "go to meetings." we can do without a lot of that.

Joe the Concerned Citizen

10% might be achieved in a fair and sensible manner.

"Obama said his economic team will go through the federal budget, 'page by page, line by line,' and eliminate unnecessary programs and insist that those necessary operate in a 'sensible, cost-effective way.'"


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