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Sep 10, 2008


Andrew William

I am wondering what the bureaucrats think at MMS.
Andrew William

Addiction Treatment

Ken Huffman

Could these MMS folks have mistakenly thought they were in training to be Democrat governor of New York?



Can you tell me why you don't like the term bureaucrats? Is there another term that should be used?

I am really curious to know.



The Savage New York Times article on this is definitely worth linking to.

Vito Riselli

I saw the post above : " I am wondering what the bureaucrats think at MMS"

I am willing to safely bet that those involved in the wrongdoing were entrenched high-level government employees such as at the GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 levels and perhaps some career senior executive servants. Many of them may have been more emboldened as their behavior was condoned. This facilitated their tendency to become less and less ethical.

One Said Fed

I don't like the term bureaucrats and I don't like the relationship of the oil companies with the MMS.


I am wondering what the bureaucrats think at MMS.



I am curious what other people at MMS know about this. I am willing to bet that others raised the issue early and were ignored.

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