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Aug 06, 2008



As a local investigator who has worked on many law enforcement cases with the FBI, I want to point out that many of the Bureau's faults lie with the ridiculous bureaucracy under which they are forced to operate. The upper echelon appears to have an unhealthy penchant for micro-management, which results in slow-moving investigations. Because they are trained to believe in this red tape morass, many of the field agents see nothing wrong with the system and fall back on the party line explanation that they are "thorough" (sorry, it's nonsense -- being thorough and reasonably efficient are not mutually exclusive). Most of the agents I've worked with over the years are fine investigators and the country would benefit as a whole if they would let them off their leash just a bit.

I want to add that this is not exclusive to the FBI, though they do seem to be at the top of the red tape heap among federal law enforcement agencies.

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