Sources tell POGO that the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota has been on security lockdown after discovering that a nuclear weapon launch code was lost or misplaced within the last couple of weeks. Apparently, it was later determined that an airman improperly took the code home.
This fourth breach comes on the heels of three other recent Air Force nuclear security debacles: Minot's 5th Bomb Wing failed a security test in May showing that terrorists could easily have stolen cruise missile nuclear warheads from the base; a B-52 bomber was flown from Minot to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana armed with nuclear cruise missiles last fall; and in August 2006 the Air Force accidentally shipped nuclear weapons parts to Taiwan. Gates took action in June by firing Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne and Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosley.
POGO hears that Minot is having an all-hands meeting on this latest fiasco. We are eager to hear who will be held accountable for this unacceptable track record.
The Air Force decided against having a press conference on the temporarily missing code, in the hopes that the whole matter would just disappear.
-- Ingrid Drake
UPDATE: Here's the Air Force's official response:
Minot Air Force Base Reports Missile Code Procedure Violation
Washington - The 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota recently conducted an investigation into a reported violation of procedures for handling classified material at a missile alert facility (MAF) July 12, 2008. The MAF is a secure facility that houses security forces, facility maintainers and chefs sitting above the Launch Control Center (LCC). The investigation concluded that no compromise of the classified material occurred.
A crew reported they fell asleep while watching the components topside at the MAF inside a crew rest area behind closed doors. An investigation revealed the codes had remained secured in containers using locks which combos were known only to the crew during the entirety of the incident. Additionally, access to the MAF was continually controlled by Air Force Security Forces and the codes had been superseded and were unusable. Therefore, the investigation concluded there was no compromise of the codes.
Commanders at Minot are reviewing the case and will make any recommendations on discipline.
There are many levels of safeguards to protect our strategic assets, and we rely heavily upon these processes as well as a heightened culture of scrutiny with regard to unwavering standards, procedures and safeguards.
For more information on the procedural violation contact Air Force Space Command at (719) 554-3842.
This is just another act in the story of "Poor Nuclear Security" being played out in the National Theater of Lies.
The illegal missile and warhead transfer last August was covered up well by flogging the mainstream press in the back room. The MSM won't cover this any better than any of the other BushCheney crimes they've ignored.
Thank "Everything That Is Good" For The Internet!
Please read what Chuck Simpson has to say. As a naval missile veteran, I can tell you that what Mr. Simpson has to say about the background of this terrifying situation is true, and it is easily verifiable by you, the reader, if you choose to do so--which you should.
Over half of Americans no longer believe the official accounts of 9-11. We know about the terror alerts for politcal purposes. We know about operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, the fake photos of Iraqi tanks massing at the Saudi border, the lies about babies and incubators... there is no lie and no crime these people would not stoop to, and the impoverishment of America is nothing they would avoid. The removal of our Constitutional Rights is something they conciously do. These people want to fatten their wallets and increas their power to imperial levels-- and with a smile they send Americans to their deaths to do it. They kill, maim or displace millions of innocent civilians. MILLIONS!
These people are war criminals who WOULD and WILL stage nuclear false-flag terror attacks in the USA to keep and increase their power. The only thing we can do to stop it is to expose it.
Please tell others how last August, airmen were being murdered, so they leaked the Minot-Barksdale information to military newspapers. Show others Chuck Simpson's writing and ask them to check it out for themselves.
This is not the plot of some thriller novel. Someone has a shadow chain of command that can move nukes illegally. BushCo pooh-poohs it. Even former General Wesley Clark pooh-poohed it to my face when I asked him about it. The media won't touch it, including public radio and teevee.
It's up to us. Do your part. Read and pass along this information and we might not get nuked.
Posted by: CasperWski | Jul 27, 2008 at 01:10 PM
"Professionals"? - If they set the IQ eligibility that low, you'll not only dodge the draft but also miss your Section 8 discharge.
Posted by: Ken Huffman | Jul 25, 2008 at 01:12 PM
So much for the "all volunteer" army! This will only improve when :
1. The draft returns requiring people with IQs above 46 to serve.
2. The selection process for the officer corps excludes losers like McCain who get in for two reasons :
a. They are "legacies". ("Daddy" did, so I get one also.)
b. They like dressing up like "tin soldiers" from some latin American dictatorship country.
Posted by: "Professionals"? | Jul 24, 2008 at 06:59 PM