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Jul 22, 2008


john stace


I want to see the 62 page report and letter you refer to.

I attempted to open the hyper-link but was unsuccessful. Could you please advise how I can do this ?



Ken Huffman

It appears that you folks at POGO are true believers in the notion of a firewall of integrity between OIG legal counsel and agency general counsel. That's rich. IG's often want their counsel to work hand in hand in glove with agency general counsel. IG's seek independent counsel to insure they have full time attorneys devoted to protecting their parochial interests. Independent counsel for the OPM IG meant attorneys working nearly full time for five years to defend their boss against disclosures of fraud and malfeasance while designing retalliatory measures against the whistleblower. Who in are you well meaning suckers at POGO talking with to develop your fanciful and back assward ideas about how IG's really work? Just pathetic - dream on.

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