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Jun 29, 2007


Lewis Erskine

The IG's do a really nice job of nailing the little people to the wall when their management wants their careers done in. With a few exceptions, they aren't so great at pointing out problems that the agency heads are responsible for or choose to ignore. IG are simply the eyes and ears of the people at the top. We need an IG for the entire government with its own investigators and prosecutors, who can take action without needing an OK from political appointees and politicians.

Ken Huffman

A lack of independence is a problem in the IG community only from the very parochial view of Inspectors General. The real problems undermining the efficacy of the present IG concept go far beyond what the congress appears to be focusing on. It would be well advised to resolve major issues associated with the integrity and competence of IG's ahead of independence concerns.

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