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May 07, 2007


Jennifer Buttke

HR 1873 should not pass in it's current form. It needs to reguire the removal of all fortune 1000 firms from the federal small business contracting program. This would be achieved if annual recertification was added for all firms with existing federal small business contracts. Contact your senator today and spead the word. Billions of small business contracts are lost per month! We need to change that.

Pro Se Thoughts

I filed a lawsuit yesterday, in the Court of Federal Claims, against Robins Air Force Base. In the relief section of the complaint, I discuss the contract bundling situation, the contractaul vehicle situation forced on small businesses, and the unfairness and abuse of the 8(a) set-aside program and the reverse discrimination it causes to those who can't get 8(a) status. I asked for several things as relief. Don't know what will happen as the documents are still on their way through the mail to the COFC.

Scott Amey

Thanks to Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL), the Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act's (H.R.1873) small biz goal was raised back to 30 percent. The bill passed the House (409 - 13) and now moves over to the Senate for consideration.

Scott Amey

CBO weighed in also:

CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 1873 would cost $10 million in fiscal year 2008 and $75 million over the 2008-2012 period.


Scott Amey

OMB is not a big fan of H.R. 1873.



we recently did a interview on this very subject http://www.mysuccessgateway.com/guru/guru.php?id=59


Sounds like the influence is where the money is. We did a podcast about this last week and we have another coming out tomorrow with Paul Murphy, CEO of Eagle Eye, Inc saying similar things. As a matter of fact he said that there are 4 contractors who have more business than all 140,000 small businesses doing business with the Fed. $82 Billion Something doesn't add up.



HR 1873 does not require immediate recertification of companies registered as a small business. This goes directly against the spirit of the Small Business Act of 1953.

HR 1873 has absolutely no provisions of any kind that would stop Hundred's of Fortune 1000 firms and international firms that have received federal small business contracts from continuing to receive billions in federal small business contracts until 2012.

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