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Nov 30, 2006



Maybe the writer of this article, who, we suppose, is a professional journalist, should be a wee bit less condescending about the topic of quality. Whoever you are, you apparently were unable to get Mr. Klug's name spelled the same way only 62 words apart. It's Klug, not Krug. Got that? Klug, not Krug. It's only 4 letters - you should have been able to get it right twice in a row! In fact, you got it wrong twice in a row.

I appreciate that building an aircraft is much more of a critical activity than spelling. After all, people’s lives are at stake. But let's let this example serve as a little window into the world of quality.


I would remind the helicopter experts at POGO that the Agusta Westland EH101/US101 chosen to carry the President has crashed twice due to tail rotor failures, and a fix remains in the works more than two years after the last misahp. In an crash off the coast of Nova Scotia, the Canadian version of our next Presidential helicopter broke in two and reportedly spread fuel around the crash site, this despite the supposedly crashworthy airframe and crashworthy fuel system of the EH101. The UK Royal Navy version of the next US Presidential helicopter has also shed skin panels in the UK.

Whatever the current Sikorsky media frenzy, even POGO should not be too comfortable with the Marine One decision.

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