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Jun 20, 2006


You don't need to be so sensitive. Especially to the likes of K Street Buddy. It is called hyperbole. Although is "screwing the taxpayer" a technical term?

Nick at POGO

K St Buddy Redux,

I didn't exaggerate. Even cases in progress cast doubt on government integrity in the public's eyes.

It's true that I made too strong of an assertion when I said "most government employees do their jobs well." I need to look into that more. However, it seems clear to me that the vast majority of government employees are not screwing the taxpayer on par with a Cunningham or a Druyun.


K Street Buddy Redux


Source for your claim that most government emps do their job well? Seriously, that's a strong claim? Does the government as a whole do well?

The corruption seems to be among electred reps and political appointees, you will notice. And you talk about cases in progress as if they were concluded--everytime POGO exaggerates, it diminishes your value.


This molehill will grow into a decent size mountain after all the trails involving Jack Abramoff scandals are finished.

I think you'll find the info at http://www.firedoglake.com/2006/06/20/safavian-found-guilty/#comments interesting.

K Street Attorney

Safavian's attorney, Barbara Van Gelder, said she will seek a new trial. Prosecutors "will say how this was a great day in the war on corruption," she said. "I find they made a mountain out of a molehill, and now they're going to plant the flag on top of the molehill." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/20/AR2006062001626.html?referrer=email

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