If you read the New York Times' Week in Review yesterday online or in the paper, you may have feasted your eyes on Bill Marsh's excellent graphic portrayal of the Brent Wilkes web of defense contracting-related connections. Well...I tried to something similar a few weeks ago when some of the more recent pieces of the ever-expanding web were getting noticed, namely those related to Lowery, Lewis and Co. and, separately, the ones connected to Foggo, Goss and Bassett.
I'm posting this just for fun, but, as with Marsh's piece, you'll notice that Wilkes naturally seems to be at the center. Too bad I don't have Marsh's and the Time's graphic talent.
-- Nick Schwellenbach
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Posted by: Kare Anderson | May 24, 2006 at 01:26 PM
Hey, where are the hookers on this graph? Included in the poker parties?
Posted by: Justin Slotman | May 23, 2006 at 03:36 PM
This is truly bush (league). How unprofessional and amateurish can you get, POGO? If there is humor in it, it would have to be legible to understand.
Did you say your fundraising was going well? Uh?
Now, rather than publish half-baked product, you just grab it when it has only been in the oven a couple of minutes.
Congratulations on a new low.
It is time to call for prayer, but it would be nice if FreeDumb and the other bornagain aholes don't show up.
Posted by: T Street Tommy | May 23, 2006 at 11:33 AM
Ok, so the idea is fun...I like drawings, but could you have re-drawn the draft drawing to make it look a little better...no one needs graphics...just less scratcing out...If you were in second grade this would not even get a passing grade..D-.
Posted by: | May 23, 2006 at 08:32 AM
Do you the commenters on this blog have a sense of humor? I'm actually even surprised POGO allows unmoderated comments.
Posted by: | May 22, 2006 at 10:02 PM
Then you must think the FBI, the DoD IG and CIA IG and several US Attorneys along with the New York Times all think like second graders too. Because they're drawing up the same diagrams, though they're maybe a little prettier than this one.
Posted by: | May 22, 2006 at 09:46 PM
I always thought this group thought like 2nd graders, but this proves it.
Posted by: | May 22, 2006 at 08:16 PM